Ranchi RIMS Recruitment 2024: Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, (RIMS) Ranchi के द्वारा कुल 156 पदों पर भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया गया है। वैसे इक्छुक अभियार्थी जो इस भर्ती के लिए आवेदन देना चाहते है वह दिनांक 08.04.2024 तक विहित प्रपत्र में आवेदन दे सकते है । राँची रिम्स भर्ती 2024 का विस्तृत जानकारी इस लेख के माध्यम से निचे दिया जा रहा है।
Ranchi RIMS Vacancy 2024: Short Overview
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Ranchi RIMS Recruitment 2024 Post Details
Post Name | No. of Post |
Additional Professor | 09 |
Associate Professor | 56 |
Assistant Professor | 43 |
Application Fee
Category | Application Fee |
GEN/OBC | Rs. 1000/- |
ST/SC | Rs. 250/- |
Payment Mode | Offline |
Payable Details | NEFT/RTGS in A/c no. 50200047672661 of HDFC Bariatu, Ranchi (Jharkhand), IFS Code: HDFC0002728. |
Pay Scale
- Additional Professor:- PBIV 37400-67000 (Minimum pay Rs 46,600) GP 9500+NPA+other allowances (As per RIMS, Regulation)
- Associate Professor:- PBIV 37400-67000 (Minimum pay Rs 42,800) GP 9000+NPA+other allowances (As per RIMS, Regulation)
- Assistant Professor:- PBll 15600-39100 (Minimum pay Rs 30,000) GP+ 8000+NPA+other allowances (As per RIMS, Regulation)
- Additional Professor:- Ten years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in subject speciality after obtaining of M.D/M.S. Or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms. Or Eight Years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in subject speciality after obtaining of M.Ch/D.M (2 years or 5 Years recognized course after MBBS) in respective discipline/Subject or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms. Or Seven Years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in subject speciality for candidates possessing 3 years recognized degree of D.M/M.Ch in respective discipline/ subject or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms.
- Associate Professor:- Six years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in subject speciality after Obtaining of M.D/M.S. Or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms. Or Four Years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in subject speciality after obtaining of M.Ch/D.M (2 years or 5 Years recognized course after MBBS) in respective discipline/Subject or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms. Or Three Years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in subject speciality for candidates possessing 3 years recognized degree of D.M/M.Ch in respective discipline/ subject or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms.
- Assistant Professor:- Three years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in subject speciality after Obtaining of M.D/M.S. Or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms. Or One Years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in subject speciality. Assistant Professor After obtaining of M.Ch/D.M (2 years or 5 Years recognized course after MBBS) in respective discipline/Subject or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms. However, no experience is necessary for candidates possessing 3 year recognized degree of D.M.Mch or qualification recognized equivalent thereto as per MCI norms.
How to Apply
- Complete application in prescribed Performa, with bio-data in all respects, signed by the candidate, should reach in the office of the Director, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi-834009 on/or before 08-04-2024 till 5.00PM by Registered/Speed Post only. After the due date and time (08-04-2024 till 5.00 PM) applications or any other documents shall not be accepted.
- The envelope should be super-scribed with the post applied for.
- Separate applications should be sent, if the candidate is applying for more than one post in separate envelope.
- The discipline/subject for which the application(s) is/are being submitted needs to be indicated clearly.
- Self attested photocopies of the mark sheets of all MBBS examinations, certificate(s) of educational qualifications, Caste certificate& all testimonials showing experience etc. and one self attested passport size photographs should be attached with the application form.
- Candidates are requested to send the soft copy of their application on email address rimsranchi@rediffmail.com
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